Speech Pathology Australia: Book of the Year Shortlist


Congratulations to Janeen Brian, Nick Falk, Tony Flowers and Phil Cummings for making the Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) Shortlist!

“Literacy is a fundamental life skill – poor literacy skills make it difficult to access an education, find a job and even take part in the community…As the peak professional body for speech pathologists, Speech Pathology Australia is in a unique position to recommend books to parents and educators that can assist children’s speech, language and literacy development.”

Janeen Brian – ‘Eddie Pipper’ (New Frontier Publishing 2012)

Phil Cummings – ‘Night Watch’ (Working Title Press)

Nick Falk & Tony Flowers – ‘Saurus St 1: Tyrannosaurs in the Veggie Patch’
(Random House Australia)

Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Shortlist 2013

and 12

Speech Pathology Australia

Speech Pathology Australia