JDM authors are Australia Reads Ambassadors


We are just delighted to see a number of JDM authors putting their hands up to be Australia Reads Ambassadors this year!

“Australia Reads is a unique Australian book industry collaboration (between authors, booksellers, libraries and publishers) borne of a common passion for, and mutual interest in, championing reading, promoting the many mental health and lifestyle benefits of reading books, and encouraging the next generation of avid book readers to significantly increase book reading by all Australians – no matter the format they read.”

And of course, our own Jenna Guillaume has a novella coming out to celebrate the event – The Deep End

JDM authors also acting as Ambassadors are;
· Danielle Binks
· Katherine Collette
· Karen Ginnane
· Sara Haghdoosti
· Amelia Mcinerney
· Sher Rill Ng
· Christine Shamista Ratnasingham
· Clare Wright
· Lyn Yeowart

Author: Jenna Guillaume

Australia Reads Ambassadors

JDM authors are Australia Reads Ambassadors