Illustrations by Karen Blair, written by Raewyn Caisley
Sam likes to pull things apart and put them back together, and think about how things work. But he is sometimes so busy doing this, he forgets his chores on the family farm.
Then one day he creates something truly wonderful…
An inspirational story about discovery, invention and the importance of dreams.
Praise for Karen Blair’s picture book Hello From Nowhere:
“This is a children’s book that makes you want to live within its pages. Hello from Nowhere is about Eve, a little girl who lives in the country. Her home is a place that some adults write off as being dull, specifically her Nan who won’t visit. Eve finds joy in the simplest of things — lying on a warm flat rock, a bobtail lizard and just having the time to run. When Nan does visit she is surprised by what she learns. Sometimes the perspective of a child reminds us of what is precious in our lives.” The West Australian