Tracy Sorensen named 2019 Judy Harris Writer in Residence


The University of Sydney today announced Tracy Sorensen as the 2019 Judy Harris Writer in Residence at its Charles Perkins Centre.

The major grant aims to boost links between science and the arts and is awarded annually to an Australian writer so they can produce an original work exploring issues related to health. The fellowship was launched in 2016 and has been held by Charlotte Wood, Alana Valentine, Mireille Juchau and Emily Maguire.

Sorensen plans to write a genre-defying story based on her own experiences about a woman’s advanced abdominal cancer from the point of view of her affected organs.

“Sorensen’s proposal shows a strikingly original idea born of lived experience together with a really expansive creative spirit and willingness to truly experiment with new literary forms.” —Charlotte Wood, a member of this year’s judging panel.

Author: Tracy Sorensen

Tracy Sorensen named 2019 Judy Harris Writer in Residence

Tracy Sorensen named 2019 Judy Harris Writer in Residence