Meet Ellie O'Neill author of a new novel 'Reluctantly Charmed'


We’ve got a teaser for you today! Simon & Schuster Australia have selected a number of bloggers to receive an advanced copy of Ellie O’Neill’s novel, Reluctantly Charmed. They’re teasing them by holding back the cover so one lucky blogger can do a reveal, but in the meantime, here is the video teaser for you:

There’s a blog tour about to start and key bloggers are already reading and posting about the advanced copy:

Teaser Tuesday: Reluctantly Charmed by Ellie O’Neill
Write Note Reviews

Saturday Sneak-Peek: Reluctantly Charmed by Ellie O’Neill
Book Muster Down Under

Mailbox Monday 7/7/14
Sam Still Reading

Reluctantly Charmed…
Kathryn’s Inbox

If you are excited about this book why not tweet about it! #ReluctantlyCharmed

Author: Ellie O'Neill