Publisher who ''discovered'' FiftyShadesofGrey finds e-book success with 'Anais Butt' by Kate Welshman @Smh


Linda Morris in the Sydney Morning Herald writes:

“Kate Welshman has been in something of a panic since her oddly named young-adult fiction book began climbing the Amazon e-book bestseller charts.
Anais Butt and the hairy handed gent has become a word-of-blog early success, borne aloft by subscribers loyal to The Writer’s Coffee Shop, the unknown of Australian publishing until its founder, Amanda Hayward, ‘‘discovered’‘ the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey.

‘‘My parents are in the States and I thought at one stage, ‘Maybe it’s them buying the books,’ and I called my sister and she said, ‘They don’t even know you have a book out,’‘’ Welshman says. ‘‘Maybe I do have a benefactor.’‘

Twelve days after its November 21 release, Welshman’s e-book topped Amazon’s new Kindle releases in young-adult fiction and children’s e-book fiction.”

Read more:

Sydney Morning Herald

Anais Butt by Kate Welshman