Ellen Spooner is an Australian-Cuban writer, editor and novice boogie boarder. The last two years have seen her working as a managing editor and copywriter at an international copywriting collective. Her clients have been as diverse as a French lingerie brand, a green energy retailer and a free financial counselling service for Aussie farmers. She’s also worked in various publishing capacities for Hardie Grant Books, MacMillan Education and Meanjin.
Her creative and journalistic writing has been published in The Writer’s Voice, Blackmail Offline and Doing Bird Magazine, among others, but her one true dream has always been to write for children – she can’t seem to shake the silly from her system. Nor can she shake the belief that girls require role models who are just as adventurous, spirted and brave as their male counterparts – characteristics embodied in the protagonist of her upcoming children’s novel.
Ellen completed an Associate Degree in Professional Writing and Editing at RMIT and studied Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne.